Live life in style

March 8, 2017


Grandmothers are the best. They always make you feel you the most special.  You will always be a child in their eyes. Whether you have a Mom-Mom, Bubby, Mamaw, Ma-ma or Grammie, all Grandmothers are wonderful to be around. With that being said, I always wondered what it would be like to have an especially special Grandmother. Not to say all Grandmothers aren't special, but what would life be like if Betty White was your Grandma, or Lucille Ball, or one of the Missoni women? Would you get behind the scene tours on movie sets, or backstage passes to MGM or cool, new clothes? This isn't something I sit and think about, but it came to me several years ago when I discovered Iris Apfel and just thought she would be the chicest Grandmother. This is a list of women that I think would be really cool to call Grand-mom, and the gifts they would bring for those random trips to your home:

1. Iris Apfel
The chicest of all women, regardless of age – this lady is the tops. She doesn't need much of an introduction; an owner of a textile company, jewelry designer and a consummate high-society glamazon. So highly respected for her style, the Met did an exhibit on her style alone. Can you just imagine the amazing style advice she would bestow to a granddaughter?

2. Betty Halbreich
In case you didn't know, Betty Halbreich is the famed personal shopper at Bergdorf Goodman, responsible for dressing high-profile actresses, political swans and top-notch socialites. The star of Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorfs, writer of I'll Drink to That: A Life in Style, with a Twist and the go-to for the final say for style advice in New York, this lady has done and seen it all. Where would a granddaughter start on her tour of her endless 12-closet apartment? Yes, 12 closets!

3. Rue Mcclanahan
The raciest of the Golden Girls clan, I never felt Rue Mcclanahan got the attention she deserved. Betty White was certainly the silliest of the group, but Rue was the sexy vixen always looking to have a good time. I obviously don't know much about her personal life, but any lady that can play a confident and sexy lady into her retirement years must be one fun woman. The Golden Girls might be considered the Sex and the City for the retirement group, where it is OK to live with roommates into their mid sixties, date a plethora of men and party until their heart is content, even if it is in the senior citizen center. I would like to think this woman would bestow ions of advice to her Granddaughter not only about men and dating, but also how to present the best version of yourself and always feel confident no matter the setting. Rue has sinced pass, but it always nice to imagine the lucky lady that got to call her Grandma.



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