Live life in style

February 27, 2017


Dining out these days can feel overwhelming. When multiple eateries open every month, it is hard to keep track of what to do and where to go in the city. Throughout the past few months I have been venturing out of my comfort zone, traveling outside my restaurant routine and visiting new spots to add to my restaurant roster. A few weeks ago I headed to the Financial District for some fine French dining at Keith McNally’s Augustine inside the Beekman hotel. The newly opened hotel has caused quite a stir among the New York scene, with questions arising whether uptown locals would actually venture to the most southern part of Manhattan just to visit the new crown jewel on the downtown scene. Without disappointment, even the most loyal fans of their uptown eateries will be impressed by the decadent food options sure to make any Francophile feel at home with Parisian decor to match. I loved the atmosphere of Augustine, with drink and food options equally as wonderful as the interior decor. I was most impressed, however by the very upscale, downtown crowd. Saturday nights at hot-spot restaurants generally tend to attract a bridge and tunnel scene, when couples leave their suburban towns to enjoy a night at the newest restaurant. Augustine's however, has yet to be infiltrated by tourists, non-New Yorkers and young college kids looking to impress first dates.  It was definitely one of the most genuine New York restaurants, so much so that even Robert Dinero was only a few seats down from me enjoying his meal. Go to Augustine's for the lively scene, get a glass of wine, enjoy the meal and leave feeling just a bit more New York than when you arrived.

photo from EaterNY

Price: $$$
Crowd: Expect to see young real estate tycoons and their beautifully dressed wives; entertainment types and finance MDs with their stunning, but equally smart girlfriends; also be ready for Broadway actors and the occasional movie star who keeps an apartment near by.
What to Wear: Dust off your hidden jewels for this one; wear your finest, but in your most casual way. Beware of anything too over-the-top and flashy, you are still downtown. Retain glamour in a ruffled blouse and beautiful shoes, but keep your speedy LV at home. Dress to impress without being overdone.

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  1. Seems like a great place for a dinner, would also love to run into some Broadway actors or movie stars :)


  2. Looks so dreamy! It has been ages since I've been to NY!!
    xx Leah

    1. Well now you know next time you come, this is a must for sure!

  3. Lovely post! :)


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