Live life in style

March 22, 2017


It may officially be Spring, but the temperatures these days tell us otherwise. I don't know about you, but I was so psyched for the imminent idea of Spring, that all logic went out the window when shopping these past few weeks. It never came across that it might be weeks, if not months until I can wear my new lace-up sandals or light, knit jacket. I know I am not alone here, and I am making major styling efforts to incorporate these warm weather pieces into the cold weather reality. I was fortunate last week when a 60 degree day blessed New York City and I was given the opportunity to bust out some Spring pieces when heading out to dinner at Hudson Clearwater.

How excited I was when this whole dress-over-jeans trend started happening. A perfect transitional look to take silky slips of the 90s and pair them with my Winona-like jeans with frayed hems. The West Village is great place to test new trends, as it is less edgy than Soho, but more happening than Tribeca. Here is to new trends and wishing and hoping the weather turns for the better soon!



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